What is general fitness?
To develop and maintain physical fitness and health, most individuals require an exercise regimen that includes aerobic, resistance, flexibility, and neuromotor exercise training. An exercise training program should ideally be planned to satisfy individual health and physical fitness goals while considering the individual's health state, function, and physical and social environment. Chronic disorders such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes are connected with physical activity and fitness.
Therapeutic exercise is one of the foundational competencies of the physiotherapy profession. It is clear from the definitions of therapeutic exercise, physical activity, and exercise that, while therapeutic exercise includes elements of both physical activity and exercise, it also provides a systematic exercise program to repair impairments and enhance function.
Physical therapy involves movements prescribed to correct impairments, restore muscular and skeletal function, and/or maintain a healthy state. It is undeniable that exercise has a number of health benefits, and the risks of doing so are outweighed by the benefits for most adults. It is essential to include aerobic, resistance, flexibility, and neuromotor exercise training in an exercise program for adults to maintain and improve physical fitness and health.
The profession of physiotherapy is based on therapeutic exercise. What is the difference between exercise and physical activity?
-- Muscle contractions produce bodily movement and require energy, which is what physical activity is.
-- The goal of the exercise is to achieve or maintain physical fitness through physically active activities. A person's physical fitness is defined as his or her ability to perform physical activities.