Sports Taping

sports taping physical therapist - Dr. Shraddha Patil

What is Sports Taping?

Sports Taping is frequently utilized as a supplement or a temporary solution. Taping is commonly used by athletes as a protective technique when they have an injury. The purpose of taping is to limit damaged joints' mobility and apply soft tissue compression to minimize swelling. Support anatomical structures and serve as a barrier against re-injury Taping is used as a first-aid tool to avoid harm and preserve a wounded anatomical structure. At the same time, it heals and rehabilitation in situations when support and stability are required.

Benefits of Sports Taping:

Sports Taping is widely regarded as one of the most effective injury prevention methods in contact sports. Extrinsic factors like collisions with other players or equipment are common causes of these injuries. Athletic taping or sports taping has also been demonstrated to minimize the severity of injuries and the likelihood of injury in most sports, which is especially beneficial for persons prone to certain ailments.

Taping is frequently used to alleviate the symptoms of chronic ailments such as medial tibial stress syndrome, patella-femoral syndrome, and turf toe. Athletic tape can also be used to alleviate pain sensations. Taping irritated or inflamed tissue's nerve pathway can help shorten the inflamed area and relieve discomfort.

Taping can be helpful for sports people who suffer from pulled muscles, tendons, sprains, or tissue injuries while performing. The purpose of athletic sports taping is to stabilise and neutralise muscles, joints, and ligaments that are vulnerable. The tape is applied directly to the skin.

Athletes have been using taping since the 1970s when engaging in physical activity. Even though sports’ taping is not seen as a guarantee against injury, but it can have a number of benefits.

Best physiotherapist for Sports Taping- Dr. Shraddha Patil

Purpose of Sports Taping

Physiotherapists typically use the tape to:

  • alleviate your pain
  • enhance joint stability
  • boost athlete self-assurance
  • lessen the likelihood of recurrence of injuries
  • protect yourself from harm
  • limit the amount of stress placed on damaged or fragile tissues
  • fix biomechanics that isn't working
  • muscular movement is stopped
  • make muscular movement easier
  • improve your proprioception
  • If you have edema or lymphatic discharge, apply a compress.

Points to keep in mind while Sports Taping:

  • Make sure the area is clean and dry before you proceed. Tape may not stick to lotions and oils.Tape may not stick to lotions and oils.
  • Make sure excess hair is trimmed. If you have fine hair, you shouldn't have any issues, but if you have dense hair, the tape might not stick to your skin well.
  • The backing paper must be torn in the middle for most treatments.
  • Make sure that the ends of each strip are rounded if they aren't already. It helps to keep the tape on longer when the corners are rounded since they are less likely to get snagged on clothing.
  • After removing the backing paper, let the end recoil slightly after you apply the first tab to anchor the strip. These tabs are just there to hold the tape in place, so you don't want any stretch at either end. Stretching the ends may cause irritation or cause the tape to detach sooner if you stretch the ends.
  • Keeping your fingers on the packing paper will help you hold the tape. You can make the adhesive part less sticky by touching it.
  • During treatment, Dr. Shraddha Patil will tell you exactly how much stretch you should use. Release the tape about a quarter of its length after extending it to 75 percent.
  • To stretch the tape evenly, use your thumb to stretch it across the whole length.
  • For several seconds after applying the tape, rub it vigorously. Glue is activated by heat. Full adhesion usually takes around 20 minutes.