Geriatric Physiotherapy

We specialize in geriatric physiotherapy, a branch of physical therapy dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of seniors. We focus on addressing the unique needs of older adults, including fall prevention, cognition and balance improvement, and the management of conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention

Falls can have serious consequences for seniors, but they are not an inevitable part of aging. Our fall prevention programs assess and address the factors that contribute to falls, helping older adults maintain their independence and safety.

Cognition and Balance

Cognition and Balance

Cognitive decline and balance issues can affect seniors' mobility and quality of life. We employ evidence-based techniques and exercises to improve cognitive function and balance, allowing seniors to stay active and engaged.

Osteoarthritis Management

Osteoarthritis Management

Osteoarthritis is a common condition in older adults that can lead to joint pain and reduced mobility. Our treatment plans for osteoarthritis include pain management strategies, joint protection techniques, and exercises to maintain joint function and reduce discomfort.

Osteoporosis Management

Osteoporosis Management

Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones, increases the risk of fractures. We offer specialized programs to help seniors manage osteoporosis through weight-bearing exercises, balance training, and fall prevention measures.