Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation by the expert physiotherapist Dr. Shraddha Patil

What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Vestibular Rehabilitation is an exercise-based program designed and conducted by an expert vestibular physical therapist to improve body balance and reduce problems related to dizziness.

Vestibular Rehabilitation to relieve from the problem of dizziness and unbalanced posture.

What does a Vestibular Rehabilitation program include?

A vestibular rehabilitation program includes the following components:

  • Training for vision stability
  • Training in posture
  • Exercises for stretching and strengthening
  • Retraining your balance
  • Exercising by walking
  • Neck stretching/mobility exercises
  • Exercises for general fitness

There are no two exercise treatment strategies similar. Your fitness regimen is created by determining your weaknesses. If your symptoms are connected to inner ear disease, you will learn how to perform some self-treatment activities. Maintaining a home exercise routine can aid in the prevention and treatment of new dizziness and balance episodes.

Results of a Restibular Rehabilitation program:

The following are expected vestibular rehabilitation outcomes:

  • Reduced chance of falling
  • Dizziness symptoms are lessened and reduced
  • Improved equilibrium
  • The ability to steady vision/gaze has improved.
  • Strengthening of the body
  • Return to previous movement/function levels
  • Increased trust in one's capacity to maintain equilibrium
  • Reduced discomfort and improved neck motion

Who are the best candidates for Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Patients experiencing dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, Meniere's syndrome, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), neck-related dizziness, and headaches are commonly referred for vestibular rehabilitation treatment. Patients who have a history of stroke, brain injury, etc., can also be recommended for a vestibular rehabilitation program. Vestibular rehabilitation can assist with the following symptoms:

  • Head motions might cause dizziness or blurred vision.
  • Tightness, stiffness, and discomfort in the neck
  • Walking with an unbalanced gait or the desire to grasp items
  • Headaches
  • Falling often
  • Feelings of "dizziness, wooziness, and foggy head" in general
  • Vertigo/spinning

Types of exercises in a Vestibular Rehabilitation program:

Examples of exercises you might learn include:

  • General fitness exercises
  • Posture training
  • Walking exercises
  • Neck mobility/stretching exercises
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Balance retraining
  • Vision stability training
  • Ergonomic training

Exercise treatment plans vary from person to person. Identifying your deficits leads to the development of an exercise program. Depending on whether your symptoms are caused by inner ear problems, you may also be taught self-treatment exercises. Continuing an exercise plan at home can help prevent and treat new dizziness and balance episodes.